Miles GSE attended the Ground Handling International Conference in Dubai.

Miles GSE team was at the Ground Handling International Conference in Dubai, and meeting with the aviation industry again was a joy.
Miles GSE team was at the Ground Handling International Conference in Dubai, and meeting with the aviation industry again was a joy, the focus was sustainability.
Miles GSE ekibi, Dubai'de düzenlenen Uluslararası Yer Hizmetleri Konferansı'ndaydı ve havacılık sektörü ile tekrar bir araya gelmek büyük bir keyifti, odak noktası sürdürülebilirlikti.
Das Team von Miles GSE war auf der Ground Handling International Conference in Dubai, und das Wiedersehen mit der Luftfahrtindustrie war eine Freude, der Fokus lag auf Nachhaltigkeit.
Команда Miles GSE была на Международной конференции по наземному обслуживанию в Дубае, и встреча с представителями авиационной отрасли снова была радостью, в центре внимания была устойчивость.